Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury coverage?

Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury coverage?

1. What type of protection does Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury coverage provide to policyholders?

Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury Coverage

Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury coverage provides protection for bodily injuries that injuries that you, or passengers in your car, may suffer in an accident caused by an uninsured driver. Uninsured motorist coverage is an important addition to any motor insurance policy, as it is estimated that more than 25% of drivers don’t have insurance.

What Uninsured Motorist Coverage Covers

Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury coverage generally covers medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain-and-suffering, and in some cases, punitive damages. The exact coverage offered by your policy will depend on the insurer, but most policies will provide the following:

  • Medical Expense Coverage – covers all reasonable medical treatment, including doctor visits, physical therapy, prescription drugs, and hospital stays.
  • Lost Wages Coverage – reimburses you for any wages you’ve lost due to an injury caused by an uninsured driver.
  • Pain and suffering Coverage – covers any pain and suffering you may experience as a result of the car accident.
  • Property Damage Coverage – pays for any damage to your vehicle caused by an uninsured driver.

Why You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage

The risk of being in an accident with an uninsured driver is simply too great to leave uninsured motorist coverage off of your motor insurance policy. If you are in an accident in which the other driver is at fault, but is not insured, your medical bills, lost wages, and property damage will not be covered. Uninsured Motorist coverage provides financial protection for these costs.

If you are considering buying a motor insurance policy, make sure to look for one that includes Uninsured Motorist – Bodily Injury coverage. Doing so will ensure that you have financial protection and peace of mind if you find yourself in an accident involving an uninsured driver.

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