Medical on DOC in auto insurance?

Medical on DOC in auto insurance?

1. What medical conditions are typically covered under DOC in auto insurance?

Medical Coverage in Auto Insurance

Medical coverage, also called medical payments coverage or personal injury protection (PIP), is one of the most important aspects of auto insurance. Medical coverage helps pay for your medical and related expenses if you are injured in an auto accident, no matter who is at fault in the accident.

What Does Medical Coverage Cover?

Medical coverage helps pay expenses for you and your passengers if you are injured in an accident. This coverage can be used to pay for medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation and funeral expenses. Medical coverage also applies if you are injured while riding in someone else’s car, if you are a pedestrian or a bicyclist and you are struck and injured by a car.

How Much Medical Coverage Should I Carry?

The amount of medical coverage you need depends on the coverage you have from other sources, such as health insurance. The most common limits for medical coverage are $2,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $25,000. Some states require a minimum amount of medical coverage, so be sure to check your state’s laws.

When Should I Use My Medical Coverage?

Your medical coverage is meant to be used for medical expenses directly resulting from a car accident. Make sure to check with your insurance agent to understand exactly what is and isn’t covered by your medical coverage. Generally, the following are covered:

  • Doctor visits
  • Hospital stays
  • Emergency medical services
  • Prescription medications
  • Dental expenses
  • Physical therapy

What Happens If My Medical Expenses Exceed My Coverage Limit?

If your medical expenses exceed the coverage limit on your auto insurance policy, you may be responsible for paying the difference. In some cases, your health insurance may cover these expenses. However, it’s important to understand the scope of coverage provided by your health insurance and auto insurance policies before choosing a coverage limit.


Medical coverage is an important part of auto insurance, and it helps pay for your medical expenses if you are injured in an auto accident. You should select a coverage limit that fits your needs and budget, and make sure to understand what is covered in your medical coverage policy.

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