What is Separate Structures?

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What is Separate Structures?

Separate Structures are a type of structure in a web application that is used to separate code and data from the core application. This technique is used to make the application more modular, reusable, and secure.

The main idea behind Separate Structures is that code should be written so that it can be reused in different applications. By separating the code and data from the core application, it is easier to create applications that use the same code but display different data.

Advantages of Separate Structures

Separate Structures have several advantages:

    • Modular: By separating code and data, applications can be built in a modular fashion, which allows them to be easily scaled up or down as needed.


    • Reuse: By separating code and data, it becomes easier to reuse code across different applications.


    • Security: By separating code and data, it is easier to create a secure application, since the core application does not have direct access to the data.


Disadvantages of Separate Structures

Although Separate Structures offers several advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

    • Complexity: Separate Structures may require a more complex application architecture, since code and data must be separated from the core application.


    • Performance: By separating code and data, applications may have slower performance than applications that have code and data integrated.


    • Effort: Separating code and data can require more effort, since the application must be structured in a way that is modular and reusable.



Separate Structures can be a useful technique for creating modular, reusable, and secure applications. However, it is important to consider the complexity and effort that is required when deciding whether or not to use this technique.

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