What is Camera Floater in Homeowners Insurance?

Personal Liability in Homeowners Insurance?


2. Are there differences in coverage between camera floater policies offered by different homeowners insurance providers?

What is Camera Floater in Homeowners Insurance?

Camera floaters are added coverage offered to protect your camera and related equipment from loss or damage. This type of coverage is especially useful for hobbyists and professional photographers.

How Does Camera Floater Insurance Work?

Camera floater insurance is a specific section of your existing homeowners or renters policy that specifically covers your camera and related equipment in the event of a loss or damage. This coverage can can be customized to include hazards such as theft and vandalism, as well as natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes.

What Is Included in a Camera Floater Coverage?

Camera floater coverage typically includes protection for:

    • Cameras


    • Lenses


    • Tripods


    • Flashes


    • Computer equipment


    • Underwater equipment


The coverage is generally “All Risk” coverage, meaning it covers most all hazards, including accidental loss or damage. Your specific coverage will depend on your policy.

Benefits of a Camera Floater

    • Provides comprehensive coverage for photography equipment, including expensive and delicate items


    • Flexible – can be tailored to fit your individual needs


    • Reasonable rates – this coverage is typically much less expensive than purchasing a standalone policy


    • Quick Claims processing


Common Exclusions

    • General wear and tear


    • Regular maintenance of equipment (although accidental damage may be covered)


    • Damage caused by professional use



Camera floaters are an important part of protecting your photography equipment, and a great way to ensure that you and your equipment are covered in the event of a loss or damage. To learn more about camera floaters and how they compare to other coverage options, speak with your insurance provider.

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