Sewer and Drain coverage in Homeowners Insurance?

Sewer and Drain coverage in Homeowners Insurance?

2. What is the typical cost associated with adding sewer and drain coverage to a homeowners insurance policy?

Sewer and Drain Coverage in Homeowners Insurance

Most homeowners insurance policies provide coverage for sewer and drain backup. However, it is important to understand what is covered, limits and deductibles associated with this coverage and how you can increase your protection.

What is covered?

Sewer and drain backup coverage typically covers sudden and accidental damage from a sewer or drain backup. This includes cleanup and repair of the area, as well as any resulting damage to your home or property. Limits and deductibles will vary based on your policy.

What is not covered?

Sewer and drain backup coverage typically does not provide coverage for:

  • Normal Wear and Tear: Damage caused by wear and tear over time, such as clogged drains.
  • Neglect: Damage or loss from not taking reasonable steps to maintain proper upkeep of the property, such as failure to properly maintain the sewer system.

How to Increase Coverage

There are a few ways to increase the coverage available for sewer and drain backup. You can purchase additional coverage, known as a sewer and drain rider, which will provide more coverage than your standard policy. You can also purchase a deductible-free policy, which will cover any damages without the need to pay a deductible.


Sewer and drain backup coverage is an important consideration when it comes to homeowners insurance. Understanding what is covered and how you can increase your coverage can help you protect your home and property in the event of a sewer or drain emergency.

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