Personal Injury coverage in Homeowners Insurance?

Personal Injury coverage in Homeowners Insurance?

2. Are laws surrounding Personal Injury coverage in Homeowners Insurance changing?

Personal Injury Coverage in Homeowners Insurance

Personal Injury coverage is an important part of a Homeowners Insurance policy. It provides protection in the event someone is injured on the property, whether it’s the homeowner themselves, a family member, or a third-party visitor. This coverage can provide financial relief for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages that may result from an injury.

Types of Coverage

Personal Injury coverage in Homeowners Insurance can come in a variety of forms. Common inclusions are:

  • Bodily Injury – Bodily Injury coverage is designed to cover medical costs, lost wages, and other associated damages in the event someone is injured on the property.
  • Lost Income – Lost income protection helps to cover lost wages if a family member is unable to work due to an injury on the property.
  • Personal Liability – This coverage helps to protect the homeowner in the event of a lawsuit stemming from an injury.

Limitations of Coverage

It is important to understand that Personal Injury coverage in Homeowners Insurance is subject to certain limitations. For example, it may not cover intentional acts, injuries caused by pets, or injuries to employees of the homeowner. Additionally, the coverage may have a designated limit, so it is important to ensure that the coverage taken out is sufficient.


Personal Injury coverage in Homeowners Insurance can be an invaluable form of protection should someone become injured on the property. However, it is important to understand the coverage limits, limitations, and other subtleties of the policy in order to ensure financial relief in such an event.

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